Cyber Scams: Nothing like easy money exists

All of us need to know that there are no shortcuts to earn big money. A non-earning member of family is most prone to claims showing big money to be earned in a jiffy.

Narrating one such incident that happened involving a personal contact from Chandigarh. About two years back, seeking earning, a female landed up in a WhatsApp scam and lost Rs70000 by being prompted by scammer to make UPI based payments. The victim, an assistant Professor, upon becoming jobless searched online jobs and eventually fell in the trap of a WhatsApp scammer.

The Philippines based fraudster offered trading work with a fictitious Flipkart Merchant that is far away from reality. Being convinced by the heavy-duty name Flipkart which was the victim’s preferred shopping app, victim started doing whatever was told by scammer. Like she made few commission-based purchases and was lured by quick payouts upto Rs.500 but the problem occurred when the victim reached levels ranging from 1 to 4 and reverse payment was made subject to completing the final level requiring remaining 1% equalling Rs. 100000 additional purchase.

So completing the 1% equivalent to 1 lakh appeared to be fishy to the victim. Completing purchases till 99% amounting to 70000, the remaining massive 1% became the bone of contention. The scammer emphasised on finishing the last 1% to become eligible for payback. This struck the wrong cord and victim got assured that she has lost all money not to Flipkart but to a WhatsApp scam.

Acting in good faith might be fundamental for us but being surrounded by a sea filled with spamming sharks adds another responsibility on shoulders. Its good to like some apps and websites but its important to look before you leap.

Our platform will carry out all necessary checks to ascertain the viability of such scammers so that your faith in the trusted online names remains untouched. If platforms like were available to sieve truthfulness and deception, many innocent people would have been able to save their hard earned/arranged money.


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