Beware of mushrooming cyber investment scams

Always remember that your earnings is your effort towards getting the same. Never get carried away by the baseless expectation to add more money to kitty simply by trusting unknown weblinks without verification. Any claim promising quick money is not always a true one.

Here we present to you an incident reported in The Hindu about such an attempt on an engineer couple that that substantially evaded courtesy Bengaluru Police.

U.K. based investment scammers lured the woman showing quick and huge profits on the investments sought from them. They managed to get a sum up to 1.53crores transferred from the couple through many transactions, the investment scammers who got connected to the cheated ones through social media also gave access to the couple to a website to keep checking their growth which was never there.

With due regards, the fishy investment group was promptly discovered and estopped by East Division of Cyber Crime police and the there was a reverse amounting to 1.4 crores from the total transfers made by couple.

Not all can be fortunate like them. We urge people always wanting more money and profits accruing to them to act vigilantly.

Let take the lead. Our platform will carry out all necessary checks on such links or webpages and act as a hurdle between your money and fraudsters.

Our platform wishes more and more money sailing towards you but let us foresee the icebergs and jerks in your way.

Source: the hindu