Beware of any unsolicited courier news

The most recent scamming incidents have erupted from fake courier consignments or shipments. The most notable name in the scam is FedEx.

A similar fraud was bound to happen with me had I not acted cautiously. About 15 days ago, I got a call from an unknown contact portraying to be manager from FedEx. He reported that a consignment sent by me is refused to be delivered to consignee because of some illegal content apprehended in sent courier. I was advised to speak with the customer care representative for further elaboration.

So being stressed about likelihood of becoming a legal defaulter, I was about to reach the customer care by adhering the IVR instruction. That fear of becoming a defaulter and the press of that one customer care number would actually have made a victim rather than an offender.

I took a minute and thought if I had ever:

  • Chosen FedEx for sending shipments
  • Ever sent anything overseas and to most unrelatable place
  • Most importantly, did I send anything of the highlighted, objectionable description

The answer was known only to me. And it was a big no.

I disconnected the call and blocked the contact.

Similar actions are being taken on WhatsApp and through emails carrying invitations and links.

Here I would request all to take help of the savior platform like that carries out all verification as to whether the link leads to a genuine business or not.

Source: Personal experience


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